'London Life, Five artists explore the City and its People'
Art exhibition featuring work by five artists based on the subject of living and working in London.
24th April - 26th May 2018
Address: 146 West Greenwich Library, Greenwich High Road, SE10 8NN.
Works in oil, drawing, mixed media drawings, original prints and relief prints.
Five artists and their web-site links:
Irene Butcher : https://irenebutcher.wixsite.com/artist
Peter Tingey: http://www.tingey.info/My_work/Peter_Tingey.html
Graham Smith: http://www.gfsmith.net/printscontent.html
Cristiana Angelini : https://cristiana-angelini.wixsite.com/artist.
Terry Scales: http://terryscales.blogspot.co.uk/